

Fact: The most sustainable and cost effective way to live, is to buy quality product that lasts forever. 

At Ett Hem London, we are committed to educating our customers about the sustainable benefits of faux flowers as an alternative to fresh. Fresh Flowers use an incredible amount of carbon, water and pesticides compared to Faux Flowers due to transport and their perishability. The pursuit of perfection in the fresh flower industry creates a huge amount of wastage, an incredible 75% of fresh flowers do not make it to market. 

At Ett Hem we:

  • Proud supporter of Plastic Bank® empowers the regenerative society. We are helping the world stop ocean plastic while improving the lives of collector communities. Read more about Plastic Bank® here.
  • We ship our product which emits x4 times less carbon than flying
  • Our packaging is 100% recycled materials 
  • We incentivise our customers with 20% off your next order when you return your unwanted flowers back to us to be recycled or to donated to charity instead of throwing them away. Contact us for details on